Exports & events
Necessary exports and events available in this resource
Client side
Opening the skill menu
Skills menu will open for player that triggers the export/event. There's also a /nui command
Checking the skill level or xp
exports.pc_skills:getSkill("skillName", "type")
ā¢ skillName - string - skill name, for example - "skill1" ā¢ type - string - "xp", "lvl" or "*" - depending on what you want to check
returns: > An int value when using "xp" or "lvl" > Table containing xp and lvl when using "*"
For safety reasons, setting lvl/xp or giving xp is possible only on server side.
Server side
Opening the skill menu for given player
TriggerEvent('pc_skills:client:openSkillMenu', player)
ā¢ player - playerId - id of the player you want to open menu for
Skills menu will open for target player
Checking the skill level or xp of given player
exports.pc_skills:getSkill(player, "skillName", "type")
ā¢ player - playerId - id of the player you want to check ā¢ skillName - string - skill name, for example - "skill1" ā¢ type - string - "xp", "lvl" or "*" - depending on what you want to check
returns: > An int value when using "xp" or "lvl" > Table containing xp and lvl when using "*"
Setting xp or level for given player
exports.pc_skills:setSkill(player, "skillName", 'type', value)
ā¢ player - playerId - id of the player you want to set lvl/xp for ā¢ skillName - string - skill name, for example - "skill1" ā¢ type - string - "xp" or "lvl" - depending on what you want to set ā¢ value - int - number you want to set
example: exports.pc_skills:setSkill(1, "skill1", 'lvl', 10) - sets lvl 10 of skill1 for player with id 1
Adding xp for given player
exports.pc_skills:giveXP(player, "skillName", value)
ā¢ player - playerId - id of the player you want to give xp to ā¢ skillName - string - skill name, for example - "skill1" ā¢ value - int - xp amount you want to give
example: exports.pc_skills:giveXP(1, "skill1", 10) - gives 10 xp in skill1 to player with id 1
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