Open files preview
Config files preview, these files are ignored by the escrow system and can be modified.
This script is customizable, there is a total of 4 files accessible for you.
Click here to see a preview config.lua
Config = {}
-- _____ _ _____ _ _ _ _ __ ___
-- | __ \ (_) / ____| | | (_) | | (_) /_ | / _ \
-- | |__) |__ _ ___ ___ _ __ | | ___ __| | ___ ___ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ ______ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ ___ | || | | |
-- | ___/ _ \| / __|/ _ \| '_ \| | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ / _ \| '__/ _` |/ _` | '_ \| |_ / _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| | || | | |
-- | | | (_) | \__ \ (_) | | | | |___| (_) | (_| | __/ | (_) | | | (_| | (_| | | | | |/ / (_| | |_| | (_) | | | \__ \ | || |_| |
-- |_| \___/|_|___/\___/|_| |_|\_____\___/ \__,_|\___| \___/|_| \__, |\__,_|_| |_|_/___\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/ |_(_)___/
-- __/ |
-- |___/
-- © PoisonCode
-- Discord:
-- Tebex:
-- __ __ _ __ _
-- | \/ | (_) / _(_)
-- | \ / | __ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ _
-- | |\/| |/ _` | | '_ \ / __/ _ \| '_ \| _| |/ _` |
-- | | | | (_| | | | | | | (_| (_) | | | | | | | (_| |
-- |_| |_|\__,_|_|_| |_| \___\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |
-- __/ |
-- |___/
Config.clientDebug = false -- Enables additional debug messages on the client side console (F8), we recommend turning this off while not debugging
Config.serverDebug = true -- Enables additional debug messages on the server side console, you can keep it on if these messages don't bother you
-- *Error and security messages will be print anyway*
Config.integrations = {
-- Mandatory
ox_inventory = GetResourceState('ox_inventory') == 'started' or false,
-- Optional
pc_notifications = GetResourceState('pc_notifications') == 'started' or false,
pc_skills = GetResourceState('pc_skills') == 'started' or false,
-- Here you can turn on or off specific modules, we recommend keeping them all on for best experience
Config.modules = {
zones = true, -- enables zones module
drugwars = true, -- enables drugwars module
-- Here you can choose which options should be available in ox_target
-- You can still control the access to these options with permissions in Config.Permissions = {
tablet = true, -- enables opening the tablet with ox_target
safeCheck = true, -- enables checking the organization's safe with ox_target
safeDeposit = true, -- enables depositing and withdrawing money from the organization's safe with ox_target
safeWithdraw = true, -- enables withdrawing money from the organization's safe with ox_target
warehouse = true, -- enables opening the warehouse with ox_target
wardrobe = true, -- enables opening the wardrobe with ox_target
wardrobeAdd = true, -- enables adding outfits to the wardrobe with ox_target
wardrobeRemove = true, -- enables removing an outfit from the wardrobe with ox_target
-- Default values all organizations start with
Config.defaultValues = {
["membersCount"] = 7, -- example: each organization starts with max. 7 members (In slots)
["warehouseSlots"] = 1, -- (In slots (ox_inventory))
["warehouseWeight"] = 500, -- (In kg (ox_inventory))
["drugwarsTax"] = 10, -- (In % of sale)
-- Price for each upgrade
Config.upgradesPrice = {
["membersCount"] = 50000, -- example: 1 upgrade = 50000$ from organization's safe
["warehouseSlots"] = 25000,
["warehouseWeight"] = 15000,
["drugwarsTax"] = 50000,
-- How much each upgrade adds
Config.upgradesIncrements = {
["membersCount"] = 1, -- example: 1 upgrade = 1 additional member slot
["warehouseSlots"] = 1,
["warehouseWeight"] = 5,
["drugwarsTax"] = 1,
-- Max values for each upgrade
Config.upgradesMaxValues = {
["membersCount"] = 20, -- example: maximum 20 members in each organization
["warehouseSlots"] = 200,
["warehouseWeight"] = 500000,
["drugwarsTax"] = 20,
-- Feel free to change permission LABEL. Changing permission NAME WILL BREAK THE SCRIPT.
Config.Permissions = {
{name = "permissionsManage", label = "managing permissions"},
{name = "hireMembers", label = "recruiting members"},
{name = "fireMember", label = "firing members"},
{name = "upgrades", label = "managing upgrades"},
{name = "noteAdd", label = "adding notes"},
{name = "noteRemove", label = "removing notes"},
{name = "safe", label = "safe access"},
{name = "warehouse", label = "warehouse access"},
{name = "wardrobeOpen", label = "wardrobe access "},
{name = "wardrobeAdd", label = "adding outfits"},
{name = "wardrobeRemove", label = "removing outfits"},
{name = "webhookModify", label = "webhook changes"}
-- You can configure organizations here:
Config.Organizations = {
["families"] = {
label = "Families",
Blip = vec3(-157.0381, -1616.7047, 32.6994),
Safe = {
coords = vector3(-163.93, -1619.61, 33.85),
size = vector3(0.6, 0.6, 0.6),
rotation = 340.0
Storage = {
coords = vector3(-158.96, -1608.36, 33.65),
size = vector3(2.2, 0.6, 2.0),
rotation = 340.0
Wardrobe = {
coords = vector3(-162.9, -1613.6, 33.65),
size = vector3(2.8, 0.6, 2.0),
rotation = 340.0
["lost"] = {
label = "Lost",
Blip = vec3(974.3788, -119.4971, 73.3864),
Safe = {
coords = vector3(977.59, -104.65, 74.65),
size = vector3(1.0, 0.8, 1.2),
rotation = 310.0
Storage = {
coords = vector3(987.35, -93.43, 74.85),
size = vector3(0.8, 2.2, 2.0),
rotation = 315.0
Wardrobe = {
coords = vector3(972.17, -97.62, 74.87),
size = vector3(0.4, 3.8, 2.0),
rotation = 310.0
["marabunta"] = {
label = "Marabunta",
Blip = vec3(1258.1376, -1570.7284, 57.4016),
Safe = {
coords = vector3(1251.25, -1580.72, 58.55),
size = vector3(0.6, 0.6, 0.6),
rotation = 305.0
Storage = {
coords = vector3(1254.59, -1572.07, 58.75),
size = vector3(1, 2.6, 2.0),
rotation = 305.0
Wardrobe = {
coords = vector3(1254.62, -1576.37, 58.15),
size = vector3(0.6, 1.4, 1.0),
rotation = 305.0
["cartel"] = {
label = "De La Cosa",
Blip = vec3(1403.78, 1144.02, 114.33),
Safe = {
coords = vector3(1394.74, 1150.37, 115.33),
size = vector3(0.8, 1.6, 2),
rotation = 0.0
Storage = {
coords = vector3(1403.78, 1144.02, 114.33),
size = vector3(0.6, 3.0, 2.0),
rotation = 0.0
Wardrobe = {
coords = vector3(1400.4, 1139.73, 114.33),
size = vector3(1.4, 0.6, 2.2),
rotation = 0.0
["mafia"] = {
label = "La Cosa Nostra",
Blip = vec3(1096.7808, -3099.2991, -39.0000),
Safe = {
coords = vector3(1087.7452, -3101.2766, -38.9614),
size = vector3(1.0, 1.6, 1),
rotation = 310.0
Storage = {
coords = vector3(1100.9728, -3102.2998, -39.0000),
size = vector3(0.6, 1.4, 2.0),
rotation = 40.0
Wardrobe = {
coords = vector3(1104.0432, -3102.3225, -39.0000),
size = vector3(0.8, 3.4, 2.2),
rotation = 40.0
["sinister"] = {
label = "The Sinister",
Blip = vector3(568.26, -2780.87, 6.09),
Safe = {
coords = vector3(519.56, -2757.89, 6.64),
size = vector3(2.6, 1, 1),
rotation = 330.0
Storage = {
coords = vector3(506.36, -2756.69, 3.07),
size = vector3(4.0, 1, 2.0),
rotation = 330.0
Wardrobe = {
coords = vector3(568.26, -2780.87, 6.09),
size = vector3(3.0, 1, 2.2),
rotation = 330.0
-- ______ __ _
-- |___ / / _(_)
-- / / ___ _ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ _
-- / / / _ \| '_ \ / _ \/ __| / __/ _ \| '_ \| _| |/ _` |
-- / /_| (_) | | | | __/\__ \ | (_| (_) | | | | | | | (_| |
-- /_____\___/|_| |_|\___||___/ \___\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |
-- __/ |
-- |___/
Config.zoneSettings = {
auto = true,
autoStart = 1200, --- (seconds) How quickly the first zone after restarting the script/server appear
autoDelay = 1800, --- (seconds) How quickly the next zone appears (the timer starts right after the previous zone is created)
zoneCaptureTime = 20, --- (seconds) How long it takes to capture the zone
zoneDuration = 600, --- (seconds) How long the zone is active
zoneCaptureDelay = 20, --- How quickly can you capture the zone after canceling the capture (seconds)
zonePrepareTime = 20, --- (seconds) How long it takes to prepare the zone before it appears
zoneSize = 150.0,
captureSize = 6.0,
-- Possible loot tables for zone rewards, only one table will be chosen, at random
-- When using minCount and maxCount, it will pick a random number in that range
-- When using count, it will always use that number
Config.zoneRewards = {
{item = 'meth', minCount = 3, maxCount = 20},
{item = 'weed', minCount = 8, maxCount = 25},
-- OR
{item = 'black_money', minCount = 5000, maxCount = 25000},
-- OR
{item = 'WEAPON_MACHETE', minCount = 1, maxCount = 2},
{item = 'WEAPON_KNIFE', minCount = 1, maxCount = 2},
-- OR
{item = 'WEAPON_SNSPISTOL', count = 1},
Config.zoneLocations = {
coords = vector3(-2527.5723, 2699.8335, -22.838), -- Center of the zone
propCoords = { -- Crate location, only one of the values below will be choosen (at random).
vector3(-2527.5723, 2699.8335, 1.838),
vector3(-2522.7871, 2733.1943, 1.8316),
vector3(-2475.4683, 2731.6782, 1.8716),
coords = vector3(383.3146, 2893.9709, -20.5480), -- Center of the zone
propCoords = { -- Crate location, only one of the values below will be choosen (at random).
vector3(398.6463, 2980.2148, 39.9499),
vector3(268.5528, 2867.1343, 73.1748),
vector3(319.3150, 2884.2703, 48.0229),
coords = vector3(1075.9691, 2366.7412, -18.2522), -- Center of the zone
propCoords = { -- Crate location, only one of the values below will be choosen (at random).
vector3(1089.4799, 2309.3499, 44.5132),
vector3(1006.8578, 2360.2310, 54.5715),
vector3(1026.1266, 2440.3679, 43.9705),
coords = vector3(1500.9552, 3549.1238, 35.6549), -- Center of the zone
propCoords = { -- Crate location, only one of the values below will be choosen (at random).
vector3(1516.6475, 3577.0632, 41.8550),
vector3(1559.3889, 3522.0605, 35.0679),
vector3(1594.8564, 3586.1721, 38.0666),
coords = vector3(978.2614, -3136.7349, -20.9008), -- Center of the zone
propCoords = { -- Crate location, only one of the values below will be choosen (at random).
vector3(930.9222, -3097.9087, 16.1479),
vector3(1029.9514, -3131.3235, 4.9008),
vector3(959.0121, -3097.4951, 4.9008),
-- _____ __ _
-- | __ \ / _(_)
-- | | | |_ __ _ _ __ _ __ ____ _ _ __ ___ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ _
-- | | | | '__| | | |/ _` | \ \ /\ / / _` | '__/ __| / __/ _ \| '_ \| _| |/ _` |
-- | |__| | | | |_| | (_| | \ V V / (_| | | \__ \ | (_| (_) | | | | | | | (_| |
-- |_____/|_| \__,_|\__, | \_/\_/ \__,_|_| |___/ \___\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |
-- __/ | __/ |
-- |___/ |___/
Config.warsSettings = {
auto = true, -- should the war be started automatically
autoStart = 1200, --- (seconds) How quickly the first war appears (after restart/start)
autoDelay = 10800, --- (seconds) How quickly the next war appears (the timer starts right after the previous war is *created*)
warDuration = 1800, --- (seconds) How long the war is active
Config.baseSellChance = 40 -- (in %) Base chance to sell drugs, without skill multiplier
-- Used only when using pc_skills resource
Config.pc_skills = {
skillName = "skill4", -- which skill is used for drug selling
saleXP = 10, -- how much xp you gain for each sold drug (for each piece)
copTipoffLvl = 5, -- when player reaches this level, he will recieve tip-off if the client called cops
lvlBonus = 1, -- how much higher is the chance to sell drugs, for each level (in %), for example each lvl = 1% added to baseSellChance
Config.moneyType = "black_money" -- type of money that should be given to player selling ("money" or "black_money")
Config.copsRequired = 2 -- How many cops are required to sell the drugs
Config.copsJobs = {'police', 'sheriff'} -- jobs that are counted as cops
-- example: if you have copsRequired = 2, and police and sheriff jobs are counted as cops, if there's 1 police and 1 sheriff on duty, you will be able to sell drugs
Config.blacklistedJobs = {'police', 'sheriff'} -- jobs that are blacklisted from selling drugs
-- Drugs that can be sold to npcs
-- min and max are min and max price the player will recieve
Config.Drugs = {
['acid'] = {min = 182, max = 444},
['lsd'] = {min = 145, max = 388},
['meth'] = {min = 113, max = 338},
['coke'] = {min = 125, max = 292},
['weed'] = {min = 148, max = 182},
-- Informants are only available for organization that captured a zone. When bought, they will check if there's a police officer in the zone,
-- after that they'll notify organization members when a police officer enters the zone.
Config.enableAlertNpcs = true -- Should informants be available
-- zone -- zone in which this infromant is active
-- model -- model of the npc
-- coords -- coords of the npc
-- price -- price for activating the informant
-- duration (seconds) -- how long the informant will be active
-- delay (seconds) -- delay before the informant will alert
Config.alertNpc = {
-- zone 1
{zone = 'zone1', model = 'a_m_m_mexlabor_01', coords = vector4(-357.7109, -640.9236, 30.7715, 207.9297), price = 2500, duration = 100, delay = 20},
{zone = 'zone1', model = 'a_m_m_mexlabor_01', coords = vector4(-1215.3136, -569.2302, 26.3067, 163.3186), price = 5000, duration = 200, delay = 10},
-- zone 2
{zone = 'zone2', model = 'a_m_m_mexlabor_01', coords = vector4(963.3970, -944.5385, 41.6625, 270.3664), price = 2500, duration = 100, delay = 20},
{zone = 'zone2', model = 'a_m_m_mexlabor_01', coords = vector4(729.7922, -992.6858, 22.9715, 3.9504), price = 5000, duration = 200, delay = 10},
-- zone 3
{zone = 'zone3', model = 'a_m_m_mexlabor_01', coords = vector4(748.8958, -1692.4928, 28.3219, 167.1573), price = 2500, duration = 100, delay = 20},
{zone = 'zone3', model = 'a_m_m_mexlabor_01', coords = vector4(433.7659, -1879.3448, 25.9994, 95.7669), price = 5000, duration = 200, delay = 10},
-- zone 4
{zone = 'zone4', model = 'a_m_m_mexlabor_01', coords = vector4(-394.7887, -1881.1279, 19.5278, 346.9869), price = 2500, duration = 100, delay = 20},
{zone = 'zone4', model = 'a_m_m_mexlabor_01', coords = vector4(-532.8264, -1781.5658, 20.5106, 292.3524), price = 5000, duration = 200, delay = 10},
-- List of peds that can't buy drugs from the player
-- You can expand this list if you want
Config.pedBlacklist = {
Click here to see a preview translations.lua
-- _____ _____ _
-- | __ \ (_) / ____| | |
-- | |__) |__ _ ___ ___ _ __ | | ___ __| | ___
-- | ___/ _ \| / __|/ _ \| '_ \| | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \
-- | | | (_) | \__ \ (_) | | | | |___| (_) | (_| | __/
-- |_| \___/|_|___/\___/|_| |_|\_____\___/ \__,_|\___|
-- © PoisonCode
-- Discord:
-- Tebex:
Translations = {
-- General
organization = "Organization",
balanceCheck = "Check balance",
deposit = "Deposit cash",
withdraw = "Withdraw cash",
openStorage = "Open storage",
savedOutfits = "Saved outfits",
orgOutfits = "Organization outfits",
addOutfit = "Add organization outfit",
outfitName = "Outfit name",
outfitNameDesc = "Provide a name for the outfit",
removeOutfit = "Remove organization outfit",
hideout = "Organization hideout",
noOutfits = "No organization outfits saved",
wardrobe = "Wardrobe",
setName = "Set a name",
outfitAdded = "Outfit added",
outfitRemoved = "Outfit removed",
safe = "Safe",
depositMoney = "Deposit cash",
depositMoneyDesc = "How much cash do you want to deposit?",
withdrawMoney = "Withdraw cash",
withdrawMoneyDesc = "How much cash do you want to withdraw?",
safeMoney = "There is %s $ in the safe",
notEnoughMoney = "You don't have enough cash",
depositSuccess = "Cash deposited, there is now %s $ in the safe",
notEnoughMoneySafe = "There is not enough cash in the safe",
withdrawSuccess = "Cash withdrawn, there is now %s $ in the safe",
notEnoughSlots = "Maximum members reached",
maxUpgrade = "Maximum upgrade reached",
upgradeBought = "Upgrade bought",
noteAdded = "Note added",
webhookModified = "Webhook modified",
itemSwaped = "Item swaped",
itemOut = "Item taken",
itemIn = "Item put",
openTablet = "Open tablet",
-- Logs
logOutfitAdded = "%s %s added an outfit named: %s",
logOutfitRemoved = "%s %s removed an outfit named: %s",
logSafeDeposit = "%s %s deposited %s $ into the safe",
logSafeWithdraw = "%s %s withdrew %s $ from the safe",
logMemberFired = "%s %s fired %s %s",
logMemberHired = "%s %s hired %s %s",
logUpgradeBought = "%s %s upgraded %s by %s",
logNoteAdded = "%s %s added a note",
logNoteRemoved = "%s %s removed a note",
logWebhookModified = "%s %s modified the organization webhook",
logItemOut = "Took",
logItemIn = "Put",
logZoneCreated = "Zone created",
logZoneCreatedDesc = "A new zone has been created. \nType:%s\nLocation:%s\nBox:%s",
logZoneReward = "Zone captured",
logZoneRewardDesc = "A zone has been captured by %s.\nRewards: `%s`",
logDrugsSold = "Drugs sold",
logDrugsSoldDesc = "Player %s sold: %s x %s for %s$",
logDrugwarsTax = "Drug sale tax",
logDrugwarsTaxDesc = "Organization received drug sale tax of %s$",
-- HTML (Tablet)
permissions = "Permissions",
save = "Save",
cancel = "Cancel",
noPeopleNerby = "No people nearby",
warEndsIn = "Drug war ends in",
warStartIn = "Drug war starts in",
noWar = "There is no drug war",
remove = "Remove",
fireMember = "Fire",
home = "Home",
members = "Members",
upgrades = "Upgrades",
drugWars = "Drug wars",
logs = "Logs",
close = "Close",
info = "Info",
orgName = "name",
finances = "Finances",
moneyOwned = "Cash",
notes = "Notes",
newNote = "New note",
noteAddTitle = "adding a note",
confirm = "Confirm",
hire = "Recruit",
name = "Name",
actions = "Actions",
drug = "Drug",
map = "City map",
leaderboard = "Leaderboard",
maxMembers = "Max members count",
maxMembersDesc = "Increase maximum members amount",
slot = "Slot",
price = "Price",
buy = "Buy",
warehouseSlots = "Warehouse slots",
warehouseSlotsDesc = "Increase warehouse slots amount",
warehouseWeight = "Warehouse weight",
warehouseWeightDesc = "Increase maximum warehouse weight",
kg = "Kg",
drugwarsTax = "Drugwars tax",
drugwarsTaxDesc = "Increase the amount you get from sold drugs",
percent = "%",
webhook = "Webhook",
date = "Date",
webhookLink = "Provide a webhook link",
membersOnline = "Members online",
-- Zones
zone = "Zone",
fists = "[Fists]",
melee = "[Melee]",
guns = "[Guns]",
collect = "Collect chest",
newZoneIn = "A new zone will appear in %s seconds.",
newZoneStart = "A new zone appeared!",
vehicleEnter = "You can't enter the zone in a vehicle!",
wrongWeapon = "You can't use this weapon in this zone type!",
inVehicle = "You can't do this while in a vehicle!",
zoneBusy = "Someone else is already capturing this zone!",
cooldown = "You have to wait %s seconds before you can capture this zone again!",
captureStart = "You started capturing the zone!",
captureCancelTooFar = "Zone capture canceled. You moved too far!",
captureCancelDamage = "Zone capture canceled. You took damage!",
captureSuccess = "You captured the zone!",
-- Drug wars
trySellDrugs = "Sell drugs",
drugDealingTitle = "Drug dealing",
drugDealingNoItems = "You don't have any items to sell",
drugDealingNotEnough = "You don't have enough items to sell",
drugDealingNotEnoughCops = "Not enough cops on duty. Required at least %s",
drugDealingFailed = "Client refused to buy the drugs",
drugDealingFailedPolice = "Client refused to buy the drugs and called the police",
drugDealingBlacklistedJob = "You can't sell drugs",
drugDealingXP = "You recieved %s XP points",
drugDealingTaxPaid = "You sold drugs in zone controlled by %s. Tax paid: %s$",
informantBuyTitle = "Buy informant",
informantBuyText = "Do you want to buy an informant for %s$ ? \n You will receive a message when the police enters the zone.",
informantTitle = "Informant",
informantWar = "There is an active war in this zone",
infromantMoney = "You don't have enough cash",
informantOrg = "This zone doesn't belong to your organization",
informantActive = "There is already an active informant in this zone",
informantBought = "Informant bought!",
informantEnd = "Informant services ended!",
informantPoliceEnter = "Cops entered the zone, be careful!",
informantPolicePresent = "There are cops in the zone!",
Click here to see a preview translations.lua
-- _____ _____ _
-- | __ \ (_) / ____| | |
-- | |__) |__ _ ___ ___ _ __ | | ___ __| | ___
-- | ___/ _ \| / __|/ _ \| '_ \| | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \
-- | | | (_) | \__ \ (_) | | | | |___| (_) | (_| | __/
-- |_| \___/|_|___/\___/|_| |_|\_____\___/ \__,_|\___|
-- © PoisonCode
-- Discord:
-- Tebex:
function sendNotification(title, text, time, type)
if Config.integrations.pc_notifications then
exports['pc_notifications']:Notify(type, title, text, time, true)
local alertBlips = {}
RegisterNetEvent('pc_organizations:client:drugwars.alertCops', function(location)
sendNotification("Drug dealing", "Drug deal in progress! Location pinged on map.", 10000, "info")
local newBlip = AddBlipForCoord(location)
SetBlipSprite(newBlip, 3)
SetBlipDisplay(newBlip, 4)
SetBlipScale(newBlip, 0.9)
SetBlipAsShortRange(newBlip, true)
AddTextComponentString("Drug deal in progress!")
table.insert(alertBlips, newBlip)
SetTimeout(60000, function()
if #alertBlips > 0 then
table.remove(alertBlips, 1)
Click here to see a preview translations.lua
-- _____ _____ _
-- | __ \ (_) / ____| | |
-- | |__) |__ _ ___ ___ _ __ | | ___ __| | ___
-- | ___/ _ \| / __|/ _ \| '_ \| | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \
-- | | | (_) | \__ \ (_) | | | | |___| (_) | (_| | __/
-- |_| \___/|_|___/\___/|_| |_|\_____\___/ \__,_|\___|
-- © PoisonCode
-- Discord:
-- Tebex:
--- MAIN
-- Function responsible for sending client notification
function sendClientNotification(id, title, text, time, type)
if Config.integrations.pc_notifications then
TriggerClientEvent('pc_notifications:Notify', id, type, title, text, time, true)
-- Command for adding player to an organization will all permissions
ESX.RegisterCommand('setorg', {'admin'}, function(xPlayer, args, showError)
if args.job == "unemployed" or Config.Organizations[args.job] then
local permissions = {}
for i = 1, #(Config.Permissions) do
permissions[Config.Permissions[i].name] = true
args.playerId.set("org", {name = args.job, permissions = permissions})
TriggerClientEvent('pc_organizations:client:main.setOrg', args.playerId.source, {name = args.job, permissions = permissions})
MySQL.prepare('UPDATE `users` SET `org` = ?, `org_permissions` = ? WHERE `identifier` = ?', {args.job, json.encode(permissions), args.playerId.identifier})
end, true, {help = ('Add player to organization (with all permissions!)'), validate = true, arguments = {
{name = 'playerId', help = ('Player ID'), type = 'player'},
{name = 'job', help = ('Organization name or "unemployed" to remove'), type = 'string'}
-- A command for resetting an organization, all members will be removed, inventory will be cleared and upgrades will be reset
ESX.RegisterCommand('resetorg', {'admin'}, function(xPlayer, args, showError)
local orgName = args.orgName
local xPlayers = ESX.GetExtendedPlayers()
for i = 1, #(xPlayers) do
local xPlayer = xPlayers[i]
if xPlayer.get("org").name == orgName then
xPlayer.set("org", {name = "unemployed", permissions = {}})
TriggerClientEvent('pc_organizations:client:main.setOrg', xPlayer.source, {name = "unemployed", permissions = {}})
exports.ox_inventory:SetSlotCount(orgName, Config.defaultValues.warehouseSlots)
exports.ox_inventory:SetMaxWeight(orgName, Config.defaultValues.warehouseWeight)
Organizations[orgName] = {account = 0, members_limit = Config.defaultValues.membersCount, warehouse_slots = Config.defaultValues.warehouseSlots, warehouse_weight = Config.defaultValues.warehouseWeight, drugwars_tax = Config.defaultValues.drugwarsTax}
MySQL.prepare('UPDATE `users` SET `org` = ?, `org_permissions` = ? WHERE `org` = ?', {"unemployed", json.encode({}), orgName})
MySQL.prepare('UPDATE `organizations` SET `account` = 0, `members_limit` = ?, `warehouse_slots` = ?, `warehouse_weight` = ?, `drugwars_tax` = ? WHERE `name` = ?', {Config.defaultValues.membersCount, Config.defaultValues.warehouseSlots, Config.defaultValues.warehouseWeight, Config.defaultValues.drugwarsTax, orgName})
MySQL.query.await('DELETE FROM `organizations_clothes` WHERE `org` = ?', {orgName})
MySQL.query.await('DELETE FROM `organizations_logs` WHERE `org` = ?', {orgName})
MySQL.query.await('DELETE FROM `organizations_notes` WHERE `org` = ?', {orgName})
end, true, {help = ('Reset organization to default'), validate = true, arguments = {
{name = 'orgName', help = ('Organization name'), type = 'string'}
ESX.RegisterCommand('orgmenu', {'user'}, function(xPlayer, args, showError)
if exports["pc_organizations"]:hasOrgJob(xPlayer.source) then
TriggerClientEvent("pc_organizations:OpenTablet", xPlayer.source)
end, true, {help = ('Opens organizations tablet')})
local adminWebhook = ""
local zonesWebhook = ""
local drugwarsWebhook = ""
-- These functions are responsible for sending the admin webhook
-- All organizations's actions will be posted to these webhooks for mods/admins
function sendAdminWebhook(org, title, content)
local content = json.encode({
avatar_url = "",
username = "PoisonCode organizations ADMIN",
embeds = {{
["title"] = org.." - "..title,
["color"] = 248250,
["fields"] = {
["name"] = " ",
["value"] = content,
["inline"] = false
["footer"] = {
["text"] = org.." @ pc_organizations • ""%H:%M %d/%m/%Y"),
["icon_url"] = "",
PerformHttpRequest(adminWebhook, function(err, text, headers) end, 'POST', content, { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' })
function sendZonesWebhook(title, content)
local content = json.encode({
avatar_url = "",
username = "PoisonCode organizations ZONES",
embeds = {{
["title"] = title,
["color"] = 248250,
["fields"] = {
["name"] = " ",
["value"] = content,
["inline"] = false
["footer"] = {
["text"] = "pc_organizations zones • ""%H:%M %d/%m/%Y"),
["icon_url"] = "",
PerformHttpRequest(zonesWebhook, function(err, text, headers) end, 'POST', content, { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' })
function sendDrugwarsWebhook(title, content)
local content = json.encode({
avatar_url = "",
username = "PoisonCode organizations DRUGWARS",
embeds = {{
["title"] = title,
["color"] = 248250,
["fields"] = {
["name"] = " ",
["value"] = content,
["inline"] = false
["footer"] = {
["text"] = "pc_organizations drugwars • ""%H:%M %d/%m/%Y"),
["icon_url"] = "",
PerformHttpRequest(drugwarsWebhook, function(err, text, headers) end, 'POST', content, { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' })
-- This function is reposponsible for sending the organization's "private" webhook
-- Only this specific organization's actions will be posted
-- Organization A won't be able to see Organization B's actions
function sendOrgWebhook(org, webhook, title, content)
local content = json.encode({
avatar_url = "",
username = "PoisonCode organizations",
embeds = {{
["title"] = title,
["color"] = 248250,
["fields"] = {
["name"] = " ",
["value"] = content,
["inline"] = false
["footer"] = {
["text"] = org.." @ pc_organizations • ""%H:%M %d/%m/%Y"),
["icon_url"] = "",
PerformHttpRequest(webhook, function(err, text, headers) end, 'POST', content, { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' })
-- Function responsible for adding items to the player after capturing the zone
function addItem(xPlayer)
local items = {}
for i, itemData in ipairs(Config.zoneRewards[math.random(#Config.zoneRewards)]) do
local count = nil
if itemData.count then
count = itemData.count
count = math.random(itemData.minCount, itemData.maxCount)
table.insert(items, {item = itemData.item, count = count})
xPlayer.addInventoryItem(itemData.item, count)
return items
If you encounter any problems during configuration, you can create a support ticket on our discord.
Last updated
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